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Thursday 22 October 2015

Men Health Screening - About Your Penis

Lets have a simple check on your men's health. If your answer is Yes, you get 3 points.  No for 1 points. Unsure/sometimes for 2 points. Add up and you will get your score.

1.        Do you have a family history of the following?
a.      Diabetes                                                     yes / no/ unsure
b.      Hearth Disease                                          yes / no/ unsure
c.       Prostate Cancer                                       yes / no/ unsure

2.       In your daily life, do you…
a.      Always in stress                                     
         yes/no/ sometimes

b.      Smoke (more than 2 cigarettes a day)                                        
         yes/no/ sometimes

c.       Drink (more than 100ml alcoholic drink a day)                        
         yes/no/ sometimes

d.      Always take dinner after 8pm                                           
         yes/no/ sometimes

e.      Exercise less than 3 times a week (20 minutes)                         
         yes/no/ sometimes

3.       Every time when you attempted sexual intercourse, you think it may not satisfy your partner?
yes/no/ sometimes

4.       During sexual intercourse, do you face problems to maintain erections (stay long enough) after you had penetrated (entered) your partner?
yes/no/ sometimes

5.       When you have erections with sexual stimulation, your erections are not hard enough for penetration (entering your partner)?
yes/no/ sometimes

6.       Do you feeling lack of energy or easily get tired to carry out daily task?
yes/no/ sometimes

7.       Do you get up at night to go to bathroom? Does it border you?
yes/no/ sometimes

8.       Do you found of sudden desire to urinate, or urination leakage (wet your cloth)?
yes/no/ sometimes

9.       Do you had a sensation of not emptying your bladder completely after you finish urinating?
yes/no/ sometimes

10.   Do you found yourself stopped and started again several times when you urinated?
yes/no/ sometimes

Calculation :
Yes - 3 Points
No - 1 Point
Unsure/ Sometimes - 2 points.
Add up and you will get your total score! 

Email your total score to for results analysis.

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